The Aquarius Full Moon is a Super Moon due to close proximity to the Earth.
Super describes the tension-packed Full Moon horoscope — providing the last ditch opportunity to ride the quantum wave crashing over the Woke era into the mass kundalini awakening.
The Indian artist Gokaran Singh created the above image of Durga/Kali as pop icon under the Solar eclipse prior to the Great Conjunction of 2020.
The genius work was prescient of the karmic bitch (YOD highlighted in green forming a Boomerang with the Full Moon) undermining the uniparty scheme for totalitarian rule of the U.S.A.
Karmic is a Bitch
How did it happen that a Hindu woman is playing out this karmic role of a cackling Durga during the American election in this pivotal year of r/evolutionary paradigm shift …
This urban myth of Durga crashing the DEI House of Cards couldn’t be better played by any other actor. Given her astronomical 92% office turnover rate, a diabolical character is being unmasked …
…by the cackle transforming the US Vice-President into a mythical figure.
The FINGER OF GOD symbol formed by Mercury (highlighted) between now and September 12 (when the retrograde cycle is completed) is a physical phenomenon at the Democratic National Convention.
My perception of this Contraception Cult symbol as the inverted Finger of God was key to my understanding the archetypal role Kamala Harris has in the Aquarian reversal of the Greek Chronos myth…
…playing out in the USA. Now it is Uranus, in the figure of the Aquarian son, Hunter Biden, overthrowing the linear hierarchical rule of the Cronus father via the electronic (computer) waves of Uranus-ruled Aquarius.
Under this Super-Uranian Full Moon there is resolution to this archetypal struggle of the ages in integration: the two planets are co-rulers of Aquarius.
The cackling political persona the American public is being sold only appears to be for political purposes.
In actuality, the Kamala coronation is about the culmination of the passage of archetypal dark feminine into the collective consciousness of western culture.
This archetype arriving at the center of the global stage via Kamala Harris is the quantum effect of four years of obstruction and coverup of the Rosetta Stone deciphering in code the Biden Family corruption enterprise…
The Biden family projects the Saturn (karma) square Jupiter (justice) crystallization of the toppling of the old order as Cronus delivers the speech relegating linear time and reductionist thinking to the shadows of history.
Boomerangs in a horoscope indicate a rapid resolution to long-festering karma. This is the mathematics of Shakti dancing on skulls. She cackles while destroying egos upholding outdated beliefs and structures.
Here at last we have the balance essential for the upcoming Libra eclipse cycles to continue the work begun by the Great American Eclipses…
…bringing to center stage the cyclical symbol of the dark feminine archetype repressed in western culture.
..which also returns the respect for masculine logos exhibited by the Sagittarius American political scientist and activist, Norman Gary Finkelstein..
This Super Full Aquarius Moon is marked by the crystallization of the Aquarian Age myth played out in the United States of America, once a beacon of freedom for the world.
Old Man Chronos dethroned by the irresponsible act of his Aquarian son seeking revenge on the world through his anointing of Durga is a myth for the Changing of the Guard — the movement of Pluto from zero Aquarius back to Capricorn (September 2) for the duration of the 2024 election cycle, returning to Aquarius on November 30 where it remains for until March 8, 2043.
This cycle of endings bringing forth new beginnings is about the will of the people toppling the hierarchical plutocracy façade of equality by way of the DEI cult.
The Boomerang is the mathematics of astrology reflecting the crash of the quantum wave into a particle. The pressure of crystallization of the lead — the American Shadow cast on the world by way of its totalitarian actions at home — is the material manifestation of today’s landmark premiere Saturn/Jupiter square following the 2020 Great Conjunction at zero Aquarius, shifting human values from materialism to vibration — consciousness.
Thank you to readers for coming along with me on this wild & exciting ride!