My soon to be published quantum novels took place under the Hollywood sign…
The Cancer Full Moon ( 2:28 pm in Hollywood) foretells a cultural reboot (♈️ North Node in electo house of the collective) from the death of materialism (Sun/Pluto in the eighth house of death opposite Moon in the second house conjunct Mars retrograde) into a new spiritual focus in art (elevated Venus/Saturn in tenth house).
…now in danger of burning to the ground... as an outward reflection of the collapse of toxic western materialism.
The sign of the Cancer 🦀 is about security rooted in home and family. Without an external place of security, the crab retreats into its protective shell, making a home within emotional barriers.
The sign of the Capricorn 🐐 rules career, profession and reputation. The union of these opposite signs in the individual is a stable and secure inner foundation to succeed in the outer world.
This is how powerfully the news of people losing their homes due to fire is effecting us under this Full Moon.
How we imagine this happening to us is figuring out what we would take with us if our home caught on fire.
I knew a woman in New York who held a memorial every year for her beloved daughter, an artist who died trying to recover her paintings from her home during a Malibu fire.
The Kali Yuga Collapse
The horror of the Los Ángeles fires is sending a message into the collective consciousness: we are out of the Kali Yuga Age of materialism and into the age of energy, the Aquarian Age.
The six estates of the Kardashian family, living in close proximity in Hidden Hills, had to be evacuated.
As the Kardashisns perpetually remind us, soul was lost in the final stages of the Kali Yuga because soul isn’t material and therefore wasn’t valued. Yet, the Aquarian Age brings a new value on soul as mediator between Heaven and Earth.
Body and Soul are newly defined as energy and therefore work together to house the Aquarian icon. This is the lesson we can learn under this Full Moon to effectively make the transition into the higher vibration.
Mark Groubert, former investigative reporter for LAWeekly and most fascinating cultural critic on YouTube, explains what is really going on with this massive outbreak of fires in Los Ángeles.
Paradigm Shift
As this explosive Cancer Full Moon shifts the focus from materialism into spirituality due to the external drama of fire, consciousness of our attachments is key.
Watch for passive/ aggressive behavior due to Mars retrograde in fall conjunct the Moon.
Wow, that is about as touchy as an aspect to have! Fuses are extremely short under this influence. The soul is struggling to be seen.
Negative actions taken under the stress of the extended Mars/Pluto opposition will come back to haunt us in early May when Mars reaches its last pass on the US North Node at 6 ♌️.
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Fire Within/Fire Without
The mass kundalini awakening is the inner fire of transformation…
… initiated by the timing of the US Presidential Inauguration Ceremony.
Uranus is rising under the elevated Sun/Pluto conjunction in Aquarius during the Swearing-In. The planet of Revolution will be slowing down to make its direct station on January 30 — conjunct the US Moon!
The Moon rules the public. This is a sign of pent-up quanta…
…manifesting as an immediate phenomenal change!
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