Darkest Hour Before the Dawn…Brings Forth Lucifer!
Mercury Direct Under the Dark Moon Conjuct Pluto
Mercury turned direct on the day world leaders congregated in Davos with pharmaceutical executives to manage the globe.
The god complex of the architects of the Great Reset was personified in American John Kerry whose characterizing of the elite cabal as extraterrestrials …
…will go down in history as the Freudian slip summing up the very inhumanity of the plutocracy reaching its apex under this darkest of dark moons.
You won’t find this reported in legacy media because journalists for the major networks were invited to participate in the World Economic Forum 2023, thereby allowing Fox News to put a spin on the the gathering…
The Toll on the Feminine
The toll of the top-down reign of plutocracy — rule of the many by the elite few — has taken on the face of the feminine is revealed on Twitter…
The Prime Minister of New Zealand chose this historical Davos Moment to resign after carrying the burden as the very face of evil during the COVID-19 pandemic response. No wonder the reason she gave for resigning was no longer having the energy to do her job (imposing the Great Reset down under).
The joy at the news reverberating around the globe creates an opening of light in the face of evil summing up this darkest Moon waning into the annual Sun/Pluto conjunction.
Venus Spearheading the Paradigm Leap
Let’s recall that the first Venus/Moon conjunction in the ♑️ Evening Star journey was conjunct Pluto @ 17♑️ on December 24.
Therefore, this historical change of direction in the ♑️ ruler of society & government brings forth (♏️ South Node) the mass kundalini (Sun conjunct Pluto) awakening through Venus as Lucifer, Bringer of the Dawn.
The contrast between the “bought” and “unbought” is clear in this video
Karen Kingston is a bio-tech analyst and whistleblower who has consistently torn down the “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine narrative to get to the truth.
Under this Mercury Retrograde Kingston has created a call to Take Down COVID-19 on her blog:
The uncomfortable truth is that we all have been lied too and deeply betrayed by leaders we trust, and some we even adored. All offices of power across our nation; from our President and Federal Healthcare agencies to our local governors, mayors, city counsel members, and even our health care service providers, employers, and school boards members. If you’re questioning on how to know if a government, public official or even if your employer or school is an ally of the American people of our children, there is a simple challenge to give them;
Demand Local Officials Take Down COVID-19.
Kingston is the ultimate source for these Fourteen Days of Revelation predicted under the New Moon influence.
Call for governors, attorney generals, mayors, school boards, colleges and universities, health care officials, health care centers, businesses, and churches to;
Make a public declaration that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause disease and death and must be banned and recalled immediately
Immediately STOP ALL COVID-19 testing, treatments and mRNA vaccines
REJECT and STOP ALL FUNDING for all COVID-19 programs
*CALL FOR GOVERNORS and Attorney Generals to CRIMINALIZE the promotion and administration of mRNA vaccines
*Governors have the power to reject the HHS declaration that SARS-CoV-2 is a threat to public health and national security and to criminalize the use of all EUA designated COVID-19 products, tests, and mRNA vaccines. Attorney generals have the right to seize and destroy all COVID-19 mRNA injections. Demand that they do.
The Kingston CALL TO ACTION is the ultimate phenomenological method of reclaiming our humanity.
This proactivity on the part of Americans ritualizes the 8 degree ♑️ station of the planet of communication this week.
It also serves to bridge the December 2021 retrograde in Capricorn with the third and final retrograde in Capricorn next December.
With Saturn precision, the December 13, 2023 Mercury station retrograde is the same degree (8 ♑️) as the January 18, 2023 station! This truly is what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance!”
The repetition of the degree (8 is the Möbius strip of inner/outer) and timing indicates the Mass Awakening will be an eleven month process.
While Kingston characterizes the authentic face of the feminine arising as the mythical Durga, destroyer of egos…
…Kerry’s extraterrestrial slip serves as a teleport to the future in a year of setting the reset button on what it means to be human in the prelude to the Great American Eclipse of 2024.