This year, the Day of the Dead takes on new relevance as an EVENT marrying personals & universal.
This is the death of the ego self…
…so the psyche, collective and personal, may absorb the newly emerged Aquarian Age icon of the HIEROS GAMOS.
This is a historical first Venus Pentagram Point in Libra!
The timing, just two days before the Scorpio Solar Eclipse, shifts the archetypal focus from energy exchange (Scorpio) to universal love of Venus…
This is the lasting expression of the great Mexican artist Frida Khalo, who courageously embraced the dark feminine primordial power of the kundalini in order to express this universal love in her art.
The images in this post are sourced in a “Day of the Dead” exhibition at the Fundacion Casa de Mexico en Madrid in conjunction with a Frida Khalo exhibition.
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