What unexpected and welcome news waking the avant-garde from slumber!
In an explosive move championing FREE THINKING across the globe…
…in perfect HIEROS GAMOS timing to the Elon Musk “throttle”of Substack…
…proving the unconscious Shadow is still thriving in the media sphere.
The timing of this new venture is extraordinary, as my readers know from my last post.
The chart for a San Francisco midnight launch on April 11 is explosive. Sagittarius Moon rising trine the Jupiter Sun conjunction in pioneering Aries brings in a new holistic (♒️) philosophy.
Venus at the Aries Point (zero degrees) of Gemini, the planetary ruler of communication, particularly the short form pioneered by Twitter, is in exact trine to Pluto in Aquarius square the North Node in Taurus, sign of the artist.
…to be the first to learn of the meaning of Pluto at AP ♒️ squaring the rare event of a hybrid Solar Eclipse.
Here is a hint: AP means Aires Point, the zero degree ingress of a planet into a new zodiac sign.
At last… the hybrid eclipse event @29 ♈️ is closure to 18 months of ♉️ North Node conjunct Uranus (Remember the NFT?) …
…giving an extra ♈️ boost to the authentic ♒️ avant-garde!
I’m thrilled to experiment with Notes potential to crystallize word/text intros to Newsletter posts as a medium outgunning and outrunning A.I.
We better get your act together before the giants show up. You better build your art. We are whipping up things in the lab that will make everything that has come so far look like nothing has happened at all yet. And that is not like tomorrow, that’s now.
—Jordan Peterson
The integrity of the avant-garde organic evolution of the HIEROS GAMOS WORD/TEXT is about the soul as mediator between image(psyche) and text (spirit).