Venus helical rise as Lucifer, Morning Star, in the commanding sign of Leo, has thrust Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy on the global stage…
… leapfrogging into the collective consciousness in the period that Venus is at its most brilliant…
THE HIEROS GAMOS is no longer just prophecy…
Or art theory…
Or Artifact…
But an embodied reality…
The Hindu religion worships the HIEROS GAMOS as a living presence through yoga (union)… the technology accessing the quantum reality of kundalini awakening in the contemporary corpus.
The wavicle was delivered into art by Adi Da, launching HuffPost (R)Evolution Series (2010-2018). This emerging concept of the hieros gamos in science integrates art with the humanities after Wolfgang Pauli’s exclusion principle formally delivered his prophecy of the hieros gamos into quantum physics.
Traced to an Aha Moment
This 12 minute 23 July video, reveals the most transparent US candidate in history making the kairos leap — to present himself as the political figure of the centering icon of a new modernism.
When the wave collapses into particle, the limitless quantum potentialities transform into the wavicle hexagon crystalization phenomenology in the 13 Aug Crop Circle. The post-postmodern dynamic of the Pauli Wave Collapse is stabilized under the Pisces Full Moon illuminating the Venus Rise as Lucifer, Bringer of the Dawn, thereby characterizing anew for the Age of Aquarius.
We have one week with a Full Moon illumination (30-31 Aug) before the 5 Sept Venus Direct station at 12 ♌️ and much ground to cover.
Stay tuned for more hermeneutical interpretation of THE GREAT AMERICAN AWAKENING!!!.