Battlecry for the Liberation of the Kundalini Goddess from Patriarchal Control
Britney Spears was the uber pop goddess signifying a new millennium newly identifying women in pop as Self-containment of the serpent power. She moved on stage like an athlete, powerful thighs supporting bold and exciting dance choreography setting her above all the other pop stars in a new 21st century mythology — the rise, marriage and descent of the post-patriarchal Love Goddess for the Age of Aquarius.
Britney Spears was groomed for fame by a dysfunctional family that attempted to sell her into to the system at the age of eight, and succeeded four years later, when she became a Disney Musketeer, groomed for pop stardom with her fellow former Disney Musketeer, Justin Timberlake …
…the glowing prince consort to the Uber blonde Love Goddess blending sixties (the Sky Goddess helmet) and eighties (Madonna’s greatest contribution to fashion: de$igner underwear as outerwear).
…she rose to global fame as the Disney pubescent kid transformed into full fledged sexual icon literally busting out of her schoolgirl uniform…
…into the kundalini fueled pop rocket descending into the collective consciousness from outer space…
…and ultimately the breakout pop icon personifying the uber Uranian Sky Goddess in all her muscular self-empowered, self-contained kundalini glory…
Until her very public iconic Britney Shears descent in February 2007…
SPEARS was a name so apt for the Inanna revival, it beggars belief. All she needed was an actual Lion to stand on to complete the picture of an ancient pre-patriarchal mythology of the ancient bisexual Sky Goddess — whose six spears frame the pigtail innocence as the face of her fiercely Self-empowered regalia — reborn into the post-patriarchal Age of Aquarius …
Britney’s lion’s mane of bleached blonde hair is the lasting symbol of her iconic Aquarian Love Goddess mythology of the bound and unbound…
…the dynamism of opposites with the Goddess-granted license to control one’s own kundalini power for Self-transformation into the 21St century icon of the Hieros Gamos.
Click the button below for the 2021 STRAWBERRY FULL MOON impact of FREE BRITNEY SPEARS…
Britney's case is typical of the patriarchy desperately grasping to retain its stranglehold...