Mercury ℞ in Twin Flame Rulership under the Shadow of the Venusian Eclipses
2022 ushers in a new ♉️♏️ eclipse cycle…
…establishing the timing for new intentions at 4:28 PM EDT (New Moon) on 30 APRIL in the Northern Hemisphere. This New Moon partial Solar Eclipse horoscope is, appropriately, ruled by Venus conjunct Jupiter (27 degrees in the Venus ♓️ exaltation) with the Sun & Moon conjunct unpredictable Uranus in the 8th House of marriage.
The new cycle sets the tone for the next 18 months, encompassing Venusian themes of love, money, self-worth & value! The Venusian eclipse influence is highlighted by the Mercury in Taurus pre-Shadow begun on April 26.
This cycle began harmoniously with a trine between mercury in Taurus and Pluto in the final degrees of Capricorn attuning our physicality to the depths of long-repressed desires.
The May 10 Mercury retrograde station at 5 degrees Gemini makes a spectacular trine to the January 23, 1997 Seal of Solomon between Heaven & Earth. This brings the universal archetype into consciousness with the personal quest for Twin Flame Union.
2022 Mercury Retrograde (R)Evolution
… means that THOUGHTS certainly are THINGS —what we think manifests as 3-D reality! The Twin Flame Thought Experiment is the 5-D ➸ 3-D trans-portal manifesting the 9-week Mercury Retrograde cycle in the Messenger Planet’s ruling sign of Gemini…
The Gemini Twins teach us SELF-Mastery by overcoming the illusion of duality. This oneness of mind is crucial to the evolutionary journey that Mercury trans-ports us through this year.
2022 Mercury initiation
…on the degree of the January 23, 1997 Seal of Solomon sacred geometry of the hieros gamos…
This means the HEART/MIND CONNECTION summed up by the ascension geometry of the MERKABA.
2022 Embodiment of the 1997 ♒️ Portal
The astrology of the universal six (2022) year evolves from Capricorn structure… to Taurus body physicality… and finally Virgo purification.
May Mercury guide us to the THIRD! This numinous passage between binaries is the gift of the heavenly alignment of the Sun, Moon & Earth bodies in holy union under the momentous Taurus/Scorpio eclipses of 2022.