Under the peaking Leo Full Moon crossing the horizon, I watched Holocaust survivor & activist Vera Sharav’s five-part series Never Again is Now Global.
…and I was gutted.
The holocaust is the most relevant history to how the Covid narrative is being conducted.
—Vera Sharav
I can’t recall a documentary that had such a powerful resonance through my body. My decades of Kulturindustrie research concluded with this documentary providing the last piece of the puzzle…
… the truth about the origins of the Holocaust.
The forbidden topic dismissed as “conspiracy theory” brought us where we are today.
I had through hardest time coming to write this posting. I was overwhelmed by sadness and grief.
Carl Jung, born with Sun in Leo conjunct Uranus ruling Aquarius Rising, was the prophet of the HIEROS GAMOS.
Unless individuals arise who can integrate the opposites, humanity won’t survive.
—C.G. Jung
This pronouncement by the prophet of the Aquarian Age regarding the absolute importance of the individual at this crucial crossing is one to reflect on under this final Full Moon in Leo opposing Saturn in Aquarius…
…now that this outstanding 80 year old woman has broken the silence of what the globe has passed through under Saturn in rulership and exaltation for the past five years.
The next Leo Moon in early March will be the last opposition to the planet of Karma in its sign of exaltation before Saturn enters into Pisces on March 8. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 24.
This brings in the new era, the ascension of the serpent as the mass human awakening.
Never Again Goes Global is dedicated to the doctor who developed the successful early treatment for COVID.
His presence in the film establishes a moral authority for the Age of Aquarius; Zev ‘s stated mission is to “cut off the head of the serpent” imposing transhumanism as a technologically advanced form of slavery.
Connecting the Holocaust to the biggest Psy-Op in history cuts right into the heart of the matter. Liberating the human body from medical experiments undertaken without informed consent is a direct passage to the collective raising of the kundalini.
…into the mass awakening celebrating New Earth!