The 2022 Leo Full Moon demands bold expression, new leadership and above all, an open heart!
The August 11 Aquarius Full Moon conjunct Saturn will reveal how much work we have ahead of us — on the individual and collective level — to defeat the Aquarian Shadow of technological innovation bereft of moral considerations for life on planet Earth.
The Full Moon square the triple conjunction of Taurus (more on this in my next post) will force the awareness of the sacrifice (Neptune in its home sign of Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn) demanded by the linear timeline of the plutocracy.
The so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution imposed on humanity by the diabolical forces behind the Great Reset continues the patriarchal repression of the authentic feminine primordial power represented by the indigenous peoples of the planet.
Earlier this week, the life & death regenerating power of the Great Mother plunged the collective into Uncertainty when the Dark Moon of the year in lunar-ruled Cancer was challenged by the opposition to Pluto in the final degrees of Capricorn. This was the post-postmodern Neoliberalism era sputtering to a final death by way a large scale supply chain disruptions negating huge capital investments in material production.
On January 24, 2023 the quantum philosophy of Pluto in Aquarius is initiated. The ingress of the slowest moving planet into the ♒️ sign of revolutionary change will mark the 26th anniversary of the January 23, 1997 HIEROS GAMOS Seal of Solomon configuration between Heaven & Earth.
The quantum leap into a new era defined by a quantum aesthetic begins with this New Moon at 4 degrees Leo triggering the 1997 HIEROS GAMOS Full Moon.
We can engage the Uncertainty of the quantum universe by leaping forward with a vision of authentic Aquarian equality replacing the plutocrat folly of the Great Reset meant to forestall the natural cyclical process of life/death/rebirth into the gender equality of the Age of Aquarius.
The victory over internal battle fought between the polarity of Aquarius, the mind, and the Leo rulership of the heart, is one of a fully integrated consciousness of Being.
To add to the complexity, the double rulership of Aquarius requires masculine (Uranus) and feminine (Saturn) coming together as equal partners in the sacred marriage of the HIEROS GAMOS.
The natural remedy to the challenge offered by this life-changing lunar cycle ruled by the Sun in its Augustus strength is clear…
There is no other means of reclaiming our identity as human beings than summoning our individual courage to open our heart to the Unknown and fully embrace Life with the gusto of Leo!