Lilith Conjunct Annular ♎️ Solar Eclipse 2024
Quantum ⚛️ Super♒️Position of the Aquarian Icon!
Today’s annular Libra solar eclipse “Ring of Fire” makes an exact conjunction with Black Moon Lilith. The addition of Mercury Cazimi in the heart of the Sun is the Quantum super position of the HIEROS GAMOS balance between opposites identifying the Age of Aquarius.
Fortuna Characterizes Israel Eclipse Tension
While eclipses are always about balance, this one in Libra magnifies the quest for unity in a divided world.
The eclipse horoscope for Tel Aviv is marked by a cardinal friction on the angles. This tension triggering Chiron rising conjunct Fortuna, indicating an opportune timing to strike regarding a preparation in the works for decades (sixth house Libra stellium)
Annular solar eclipses occur when the moon passes between Earth and the sun when the moon is near or at the farthest point in its orbit from Earth, so it can’t completely block the sun as it does during a total solar eclipse. Instead, the sun’s fiery light surrounds the moon’s shadow, creating the so-called ring of fire. —CNN
NOTE: The Ring of Fire depicted in the Israel Astro Portrait above will only be visible on the tip of South America.
The ♎️ Lilith Impact
The name Lilith originally comes from the Akkadian “Lilitu” which means “of the night.” The archetype first appears in Sumerian mythology as the demon in the cultivated Huluppu Tree outside the window of youthful Inanna, invading her unconscious during sleep. In Jewish folklore, she is a lusty demon associated with rage, storms and baby killing.
The isolation of Lilith in folklore outside of the Bible reflects her position as the furthest point of the moon’s orbit of the earth.
As the shadow opposition to earth, the dark feminine of the lunar apogee can be located in the exiled and abandoned places on the land. This is the mythology of the modern nation of Israel fighting for its right to exist in its ancestral geography.
Unifying the Opposites
Inanna subsequently embarked on a mythical embodiment process integrating the deep sexuality of Lilith to crown herself Queen of Heaven & Earth.
The inherent magnetism unifying the opposites in this self-made icon identified the duality of the Sumerian Venus (Morning and Evening Star) with the sacred marriage (HIEROS GAMOS).
The paradigm shift into the Aquarian quantum reality of this icon is indicated by the opposites co-existing in Quantum superposition.
It is therefore inevitable that the 2023-2025 Libra/Aries eclipse cycle simultaneously indicating both “Armageddon End Times” and “Birth of New Earth” would result in unbearable tension erupting into a war in the topography where the primal rage of Lilith first surfaced into human consciousness.
Lilith Opens the Floodgates
Lilith, triggered by the psychic power of eclipses on the vegetative body, brings festering primitive impulses and shadowed sexual behavior to the surface.
The arrest of Sean Combs under the final Pluto square Venus of the Capricorn transit marked the…
The Pluto station (October 12) at this critical anoretic degree lasts through November 20 when the planet of death and transformation re-enters Aquarius.
This means a prolongation of the period of disclosures collapsing the cultural hegemony of the celebrity hierarchies maintained by the clandestine Scorpio operation indicated by Sean “Diddy” Combs’ natal horoscope…
…with the tense natal T-Square apex 29 degree ♑️ Mars (circled) timed like a bomb to explode under this outstanding Quantum superposition.
At the turn of the millennium, the ancient mythology of Adam’s first wife as the original icon of female liberation resurfaced in pop culture. The Lilith Fair featured empowered female musicians proving their commercial success in the music marketplace.
Under the Pluto transit in Capricorn (2008-2024), authentic feminine empowerment in pop music shifted into abuse as hierarchical control structures of the plutocracy solidified into hegemonic control.
The Diddy scandal exposure of the female performers at the helm of the pop culture industry more identified with the Whore of Babylon (Inanna’s patriarchal shift into Ishtar) than Lilith.
The simultaneous collapse of powerful entertainment and political figures under these assault allegations makes the October Surprise of the 2024 election cycle more unpredictable than ever.
Chiron ♈️ Rebirth
The Chiron Wounded Healer archetype at 21 ♈️ enters the earth’s shadow crossing the horizon (EDT) on October 17 …
The awakening effect of Chiron eclipsed highlights the grassroots movement of independent activists championing free speech, medical autonomy and liberation from corporate control over food production and distribution.
This populist counter-offensive to the power grab for global hegemony by way of totalitarian health decrees was solidified last week by Rescue the Republic.
The proactive paradigm shift into higher consciousness is personified by the event organizer, evolutionary biologist Dr. Brett Weinstein evoking the revolutionary spirit of the nation’s founders.
Preparing the Ground
Lilith in Venus-ruled Libra, demanding equality of gender, together with Chiron, in the Mars-ruled opposite Warrior sign of Aries, are being simultaneously confronted by humanity in a process known as Embracing the Shadow Self.
This process harkens back to the sixties counter-culture revolution opening human awareness to the effects of cosmic cycles on human consciousness.
Embarking on this conscious process today serves to resurrect humanity’s first religion integrating Heaven & Earth into the individual and collective body: