The ancient astrologers referred to a planet as CAMIZI when transiting into the “heart of the Sun.”
Mars Cazimi 2023 (15-17 Nov) is quite literally delivering the son of the murdered presidential candidate into the Heart of Sun…
This is indeed Nietzsche’s “Twilight of the Gods” captured in global politics…
…and the social sphere…
Naomi Wolf has Mars Cazimi triggering her natal stellium in Scorpio.
The Return of the Divine Masculine
The major archetypes of masculinity traveling together, the Sun (will/consciousness) and Mars (action/strength), are in tense square to idol maker, Saturn in Pisces.
Apart from tantric masters as president, this new hero’s journey (the ♑️ Son in the Cazimi Heart of the Father’s ♏️ Sun) dramatically shifts the individual humanity fate into a collective quantum destiny pioneered by Four Died Trying.
Truth in Numbers
The mathematics of a sixtieth anniversary compounds the lingering effect of the deep transformative impact of the Mars Cazimi (25♏️) under Capricorn Moon applying to Pluto…
11/20 is the birthday of Robert F. Kennedy…
11/22 Sun passing into Sagittarius marking the 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination (below) on the 33 parallel in Dallas.
Deciphering the New Mars Cycle
What could be more essential right now than busting open the establishment (Biden Birthday Blues under the Mars Cazimi) using the occult key of the Sixty/Six culminating last weekend in Dallas …
Astrology provides the mathematics to forecast the future. This Mars Cazimi in Scorpio podcast traces the Mars-Sun cycle through the trine next November, followed by the Mars-Sun opposition illuminating Inauguration Day 2025.
The new cycle culminates just before the January 20, 2025 US presidential inauguration.
The rise of the divine masculine in the collective by such an outstanding public figure is the logical (mathematics!) outcome of the 2024 national renewal repeatedly forecast by Kundalini Newsletter.
By then, the cancer eating at US since the November 22, 1963 coup d’etat will have been excised by the Cazimi Effect of the Son in the Heart of the Father’s Sun in the clearing away of the USA collapse under the devastating 2022-2023 US Pluto Return.
Saturn Foundation
Saturn is about responsibility and boundaries. The degree of frustration and general stress with this week’s transit is in direct proportion to how much we surrendered ego during the Sun’s passage through the Scorpio portion of zodiac.
The Mideast Conflict has exposed a fissure between the Woke supporting Palestine and the Israeli backing of the Deep State. This outer situation compels us to look at our individual lives to let go of our deepest desires (Mars ♏️) in the interest of a quantum l-shifting sacrifice (Neptune ♓️)
Confronting the Shadow
The Jewish wisdom tradition regarding the transformational process reinforces the need for a Jewish state to preserve the intellectual heritage of humanity.
Natural law is encoded into the Jewish mystical tradition of the Kabbalah:
Scorpio is a fixed sign, which means that they do not like change and want total control over their lives and the lives of those around them. Their greatest fear is to lose control.
In the Scorpio world of extremes, love is everything. If they feel their love is not reciprocated, this love can turn into hate. It is very difficult for Scorpios to forgive and forget. The typical Scorpio will not rest until he has his revenge. This is the hardest Tikun (correction) of Scorpios - to control the urge to avenge, and instead to live, love and let go.
Mar-Cheshvan, in Hebrew means "bitter Cheshvan". However, it can be transformed into Ram Cheshvan, which means "elevated Cheshvan". Our job throughout the month, therefore, is to transform that which is bitter into sweet, that which is lowly into lofty. It takes a strong consciousness and self-control to achieve this transformation. It is not easy to make the dark forces completely white.
This furthering of the THE GREAT CAZIMI AWAKENING forecast of Jan 23, 2021 brings us to “Mercury Retrograde Cycle: Part II: The Kennedy Assassination at Sixty and the Deep State.”