These indictments have transformed Trump from the cartoonish villain of a comic book of wealth and power to the outsider underdog. He is no longer the Man, but the person the Man is trying to destroy….That makes Trump more relatable. — Robert Barnes, US Attorney
The fallout from the western philosophical tradition expulsion of Carl Jung is exposed under the collapse of an American elite…
…that fails to comprehend the archetypal. This fatal flaw in consciousness is summed up by…
Mercury’s retrograde cycle moving into mutable signs (Virgo and Sagittarius) through 2004 is a welcome change in astrological weather that will serve to challenge the mainstream narrative propping up Neoliberalism and its WOKE bedfellow.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, ruling the archetypal constellations making up the 12 signs. This is the universal sign language…
… filtering the archetypes as dramatized under this retrograde cycle by Trump, an extroverted intuition type channeling the Gemini Jester (see above).
This week’s spectacular Mercury station, conjunct Mars opposing Neptune, holds the promise of …yes…pigs flying!
The Jester’s canny transition into this new archetype of “outsider underdog” will trump his opposition due to the co-creation with the cosmos in timing with the Mercury station.
The David & Goliath battle of the scrappy independent journalist showing up his former corporate overlord is enacted within hours of Mercury’s turnaround by a pair of Mercurial celebrities born under the sign of Gemini.
Wednesday’s heated Mercury station moment colors the nine-week cycle (4 Aug - 15 Sept). This dynamically charged prelude to the Great Awakening of the next two American Eclipses is by means of confrontation (♏︎Moon opposing ♉︎Jupiter/Uranus, ♍︎ Sun opposing ♓︎ Saturn and ♍︎Mars opposing ♓︎Neptune).
This is going to be a wild ride…in which Trump Derangement Syndrome reveals its true origins …
An awakening America dispels the binary to embrace quantum reality in which the Lion King is simultaneously placed behind metal bars (Sun opposed Saturn) and labeled as RICO …
…While rising to mythical status as savior of American constitutional liberties…
Shadow projection is what the ego does when it is accused; it defends its borders by going on the attack. Like in traditional warfare, it hurls missiles in response or in anticipation of the attacks by the accuser. It doesn’t take the superior intellect capable of Jungian synthesis of US Attorney Robert Barnes to recognize Shadow projection under the American collapse.
Mercury is exalted in the sign of Virgo. The implication of Mercury’s superior capacity in the Virgin archetype is a clarity of mind that isn’t compromised by attachments…. …like, for instance, the WOKE ideology.
Disney …a company that has become the studio brand equivalent of a snake eating it’s own tail, desperately canabilizing their back catalogue of classic movies in a futile attempt to stay relevant.
—The Critical Drinker
Snow White is the ultimate Pisces-Virgo synthesis in the collective consciousness. Her struggle to find herself away from projection (the evil stepmother and her magical mirror) represents the psyche’s resolution to the psychological problem of projection. This can only be achieved through inner reflection.
This double goddess effect is Mercury Retrograde in the sign of Virgo on the heels of Venus helical rise as Morning Star in Leo making the crucial VENUS APEX YOD 2023 with Neptune — the originator and depositor of archetypes — and the primordial enforcer of Pluto in Capricorn.
This double whammy carries us on the cusp of the collapsed quantum wave into an Aries Eclipse opening. On the other side is a brilliant new movement fully liberated from the predictability of the WOKE archetype dominating the entertainment and news media.
More on ERIS in my next posting!