♐️ New Moon: Embracing Uncertainty with Faith‼️
With old hierarchical systems collapsing, trust in a holistic quantum vision
"I tell you: one must have chaos in one, to give birth to a dancing star."
- Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The 2022 New Moon in the first degree is the first lunation following a momentous eclipse season under the final Saturn/Uranus square which has completed the process of preparing humanity to embody the galactic consciousness.
This lunation cycle is spectacular for a few reasons. For one, Jupiter stations direct in Pisces on the same day! For another, Venus rises in Sagittarius with Mercury as the Evening Star at the First Quarter (December 1). These synchronicities are heralding the historic March 2023 shift of Pluto into Aquarius!
The “sacred marriage” of Mercury and Venus is reflected in the articulation of a new collective value of universal love arising out of the premiere Venus conjunction with the Sun in the sign of Libra on October 22-23. This event is known as the Kamari Kiss 💋.
This cosmic dance will command the Sky at dusk, the middle passage between night and day, offering an external reflection of the interior quest to embody the STILLNESS of this third space between the opposites.
Pisces rules belief and Jupiter is planet of faith. Together with Neptune in the sign of rulership, Pisces, dissolving our boundaries to the point of surrender, the conjunction serves to instill a universal belief in a new holistic vision.
Born under the sign of Libra, Nietzsche was plagued by planetary oppositions seeking inner reconciliation outside of the western philosophical tradition inherited from the Greeks. This made him the prophet for the Age of Aquarius. His philosophy of the Eternal Return filtered through the 1882 Transit of the Sun delivered a new value to humanity: wholeness.
The revolution in repetition (Eternal Return) is the measurement for the human (R)Evolution into a galactic consciousness dispelling the chain of philosophers —from Plato to Deleuze — bound by the determinism of classical physics.
As Nietzsche demonstrated, no planet excels at the Eternal Return moving humanity beyond determinism better than Venus, whose eight-year pentagram ⭐️cycle transiting between Morning & Evening Star (“they contradict each other these paths”) teaches us so much about ourselves!
Scholars have long been in discussion about what Nietzsche meant by his philosophy of “eternal return.” We now know the answer to his riddle under this awakening New Moon triggering his Ascendent (29 ♏️) and First House ♐️ Moon!
Zarathustra as Art-I- Fact transformed Nietzsche into Lucifer, Bringer of the Dawn, as the Morning Star arising out of the 1882 transit of Venus across the face of the Sun.
The Sun & Moon conjunction on the 59th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination is about revisiting the past…
…to understand the present (R)Evolution embodying past/present/future…
…the Eternal Return of Nietzsche luring humanity into the higher dimensions where we become 🌟dancing stars ⭐️ embodying a new galactic value for humanity.
This post is dedicated to my students, who track these cycles with me to become the pioneers embodying the personal/collective awakening of the Age of Aquarius.