Gemini is the sign of the Lovers. This is about the attraction of opposites which melds duality into unity of heart and mind.
Thé quantum power of this eclipse had a crucial precedent: the June 4 lunar eclipse of 2012, just two days before the Venus Transit of the Sun. This produced the mythology of the 2012 , the Return of Quetzalcoatl as metaphor for the cosmic catalyst of kundalini awakening with the Sagittarius North Node on the galactic center.
This alone makes the June 10 solar eclipse nodal opposition, accompanied by the Venus Rise , so spectacular! Over 48 hours later, making my Instagram posting, I’m still feeling elevated — like I’m in the center of that bridge...forever!
My quantum journey of entanglement ritual began when I reached the Jacques Cartier Bridge precisely at sunrise, 5:05 EDT, and crossed to the western side for the first time, to discover the Montreal secret sunrise vista over water.
As I started to cross, I had the most delightful surprise…THE TWINS!
I continued on my passage over St. Lawrence River…
…greeting fellow eclipse watchers along the way.
I reached the center of the bridge by 5:39, the moment of maximum .82% magnitude…
…and felt a deep chill, regretting leaving home with wearing only a T-shirt and shorts.
This was the moment of the coniunctio, the Hieros Gamos, the Third. that I have been pursuing without/within for my entire life.
As I stood above the center of the St. Lawrence River, the 🌚 and 🌞 merged.
It was spectacular!
I continued to the other side, meeting Xavier, who showed me the image from his pinhole camera.
We talked until the eclipse was nearly over, and I walked past the view of the amusement park signaled fun times ahead…
I walked to descended to Île Sainte-Hélène as the sun rose to warm me.
By the end of the eclipse, at 6:39, I was revisiting La Biosphère de Montréal. where I had a powerful psychic transformation.
My eclipse ritual journey ended with my photographing my shadow beneath Alexander Calder’s L’homme — a fitting evocation of the Moon (the feminine lunar energy) passing between the Earth and the Sun (the solar masculine energy)!
At the conclusion of my circumambulation of the island, I find a resting place to contemplate the glorious new 360 perspective of quantum entanglement!