A rare Christmas Full Moon, or Cold Moon, as the December Full Moon is known, brings a visually stunning…
… and divine closure to a tumultuous year of unprecedented change.
No matter where we are on Earth, the Winter Solstice Sun reaches the end of its journey to the southernmost position in the sky.
In the northern hemisphere, the Sun travels its lowest and shortest path across the sky, bringing the shortest day of the year, along withthe instinctual knowledge of the Great Round of Time.
This is all cause for the dance…!
The Full Moon rise near the Winter Solstice was called the Long Night Moon by the Mohicans.
The Rebirth of the Sun at the Winter Solstice after the darkest night is the reason why the December full moon rises higher than any other lunation.
December 21: Birth of Huitzilopochtli
The ceremony began with a race led by a runner who carried a figure of Huitzilopochtli made of amaranth and who carried a blue flag (pantli) on his head. It started in Huey Teocali (Great House of the Sun) and reached Tacubaya, Coyohacan (Coyoacán) and Huitzilopochco (Churubusco). Behind the bearer of this image ran a crowd that had prepared itself by fasting.
During the Winter Solstice (December 21), the sun had already crossed the celestial vault and had died. The Sun Child (Infans Solaris) went to Mictlán (Place of the Dead) where he transmuted into the form of a hummingbird to return to the origin. Coincidentally (or not), December 25 was the day the sun re-emerged from Malinalco, amid a series of rituals and dances.
Just on those dates, other ceremonial acts occurred: the indigenous people installed pantli of amate paper to all the fruit trees and edible plants of the season. On the day of the festival, all the trees were cured and pulque (octli) and tortillas (tlaxcalli) were offered to them, as a token of gratitude for what was harvested during the year.
Of course, this celebration was distorted by the evangelizing friars and, beyond its ritual meaning, it reminds us that the importance of these dates lies in giving, sharing and thanking both Mother Earth and our brothers.
— Translated from the Spanish, source unknown
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