…bringing holiday cheer following the diminishing of the Autumn light for the Solar rebirth at the Winter Solstice.
This year the holiday jubilation is pronounced for those on the side of quantum change propelling humanity into the high vibration innovation of the Aquarian Age.
The New Moon horoscope for the international media capital of New York City sets a new VALUE …
The north node setting in the west conjunct Neptune in a stunning trine to Mars on the eleventh house cusp opposing Pluto in Aquarius — where it will remain until 2043 — is about a dramatic (Leo!) elevation in collective consciousness. The nodes crossing the eastern horizon with the Part of Fortune opposing the Vertex point of sudden change on the Descendent is a spectacular sign of destiny being made in real time — a crossing point for humanity.
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Libra rising ruled by Venus trine Uranus harmonizes a clear resonance of embodied integration of via the unexpected harmonious (today’s lunation in a Grand Trine with Mars and the North Node) change in USA leadership.
Mars retrograde station (6 Leo) opposing Pluto (O Aquarius) on the US nodes (right) has a crucial public effect in the angular houses (left). This reverberating effect is highlighted by the Aquarius Moon conjunction (in the US third house) elevating the collective mind through the free speech value represented by the dramatic (Leo!) change in US leadership.
The extraordinary timing of six tense months of transformation …
…as humanity makes the paradigm shift out of the low vibration linear time of the binary into the high resonance leap into the uncertainty of quantum reality.
Mercury retrograde in the ♐️ sign of fall opposing Jupiter in the ♊️ sign of fall is in mutual reception. This means the energies can be interchanged to their best advantage — Jupiter ruling ♐️ and Mercury ruling ♊️ !
What the universe calls for … is humans to hold the tension of the opposites …
… and GO WITHIN … where the authentic treasure awaits your excavation!
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