Can the nation survive the tension of opposites birthing the Age of Aquarius?
There is potential for both creation and destruction in the highly charged final quarter of this crucial nodal shift eclipse season.
The dramatic turnaround of the ringed planet is portentously over Tel Aviv at the Pisces ingress of zero degrees.
Let’s compare As Above with So Below…
The existential question of Israel’s identity connected with the ancient Venus as electrical integration of opposites is revealed in the EXACT TIMING of Israel’s Lunar Return today...
Birth of Modern Israel
The symbol of peace ☮️ in unity ☯️ on the Israel 🇮🇱 Flag is the 🔯 HIEROS GAMOS hexagonal symbol of the Star of David and it’s predecessor, Seal of Solomon.
Restoring Peace
The strong positions for Venus and Jupiter in opposition in the Israeli horoscope conflate the hermeneutics of Israel’s independence with the restoration of the HIEROS GAMOS integration of opposites for the Age of Aquarius.
This source of Jewish identity with the ancient symbol of integration and peace in the ancestral homeland is evident in the 2023-2025 Aries-Libra cycle of eclipses over Washington and Israel.
Was this quantum leap what the founders of Israeli independence had in mind with their astrological apparatus creating the ontology of the modern Israeli nation state?
Abraham’s Journey
The denial of a divine feminine counterpart in the faith of the divine masculine in both Christianity and Islam created the disequilibrium underlying the surface tension of a Holy War.
The journey of the patriarch ABRAHAM (2000 BCE) from his birthplace in in the Chaldean city of Ur Kasdim (the Sumerian city of Ur) depicts the geographical boundary between the monotheism of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) overlapping the shift of the Age of Aries to Pisces in contrast to the polytheism of the more ancient Taurus Age civilizations of Persia, Sumer and Egypt.
The eruption of the underlying tension of disequilibrium was Saturn’s karmic warning during its 2023 retrograde cycle beginning June 17. The ringed planet signaled brightest overhead in Jerusalem on August 26/27 (20:07 & 5:20) at its most visible opposition to the Sun.
Ironically, a rational debate over Israel’s right to exist has been swept aside by the passions of the late capitalist post-postmodernist neoliberalism era spawning the Woke social justice decolonialist movement.
Conservative podcaster Ben Shapiro characterizes the Saturn crystallization …
… of the decolonization movement alliances making unlikely bedfellows defying logic. This signals the final stage of the Left’s Ouroboros self-devouring. Moreover, the hidden fourth opposition affecting Saturn’s dramatic turnaround is dramatically revealed.
The rejected feminine power erupting in rage rattling Earth from both sides of the conflict is triggered by the double Lilith opposition to Saturn and Mars.
The exposure of the repressed female rage in collective passions split between the opposites establishes the destruction and death of human bodies as collateral in-between a biblical struggle.
This is where the potential opening of awareness due to the electromagnetic effects of eclipses embodies the paradigm shift into cyclical time.
Israel’s Venus Karma
The creative mind behind the peaceful CEASEFIRE NOW demonstration at Grand Central Station effectively seized the electromagnetic opening …
… triggering the crucial symbolic link to the lineage of the ancestors appearing …
…under this Saturn Station timing of the Big Reveal. Be open to the magic of this culturally significant ♈️♎️ eclipse cycle! This timing of rebalancing the disequilibrium of the Pisces Age is likely to uncover the truth of Israel’s origins.