The double KITE formation of the Scorpio New Moon offers a universal catharsis in the sheer beauty of its sacred geometry.
The Washington D.C. New Moon horoscope (November 1, above) is a tremendous shock of Awakening due to Mercury rising on Fortuna opposing Uranus setting in the west.
The YOD apex on the Midheaven (4 ♍️) from the anoretic Pluto sextile Neptune, reveals the “changing of the guard” process ushering in the American Renaissance next year when Saturn and Neptune enter Aries together, making the exact conjunction at 0♈️ in February 2026.
Talk about a catharsis! I feel like all my occult inquiries of the last two decades are now erupting through my X feed! We are very close to a full reveal of extraterrestrials!
The US election is the outlet for this collective catharsis under the banner…
Trump, the supreme (Leo Rising) showman, transferred his Reality TV performance of decades past to an engaged populist presence in streaming media that liberal biased mainstream outlets can no longer ignore.
His supreme Promethean move was to unite populists from the divided right and left into the unified spirit of the Third, the Sacred Reality of the newly arisen Aquarian icon of the HIEROS GAMOS.
This extraordinary campaign week of the hysterical collapse of the Left under the double newspaper non-endorsement of their Kamala coup is best explained by Glenn Greenwald’s rational analysis delivered with the passion of his own experience.
No performer was representative of the American working class like Bruce Springsteen. After his soul-depleted performance at a Harris rally, the aged rocker has become a symbol for “the death of joy” brilliantly articulated by reformed leftist Sasha Stone…
The dark week preceding the New Moon in the Underworld sign of Scorpio has made a spectacle in the collapse of celebrity cult historically allied with the Democrats...
…by the desperate acts of Diddy partygoers on the Kamala Harris campaign stage…
…revealing a mutual priority of upholding the perverse celebrity hierarchy.
speaking of perverse celebrity…my AHA MOMENT at this writing under Mercury’s rise opposing Uranus on the western horizon…
…was triggered by the realization of Diddy’s 2024 Solar Return with a prominent Cardinal Cross Celebrity Sacrifice to the oncoming Aquarian Age — falling on the eve of the US election!
The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed.
—C.G. Jung
Just before midnight (23:10 EST), Mars ingresses into LEO, approaching Trump’s Pluto (10 Leo) in the twelfth house, place of hidden enemies.
The December 6, 2024 Mars station in Leo on the US North Node (6♌️) indicates the meltdown of the ruling elite — celebrities and political figures together— to make way for the New.
This is indicated by the Mars trigger of Trump Derangement Syndrome, detected in Trump’s natal horoscope by his Pluto in Leo in the twelfth house of hidden enemies, summed up by a new documentary…
Known as the "Kingmaker," Regulus bestows qualities of leadership, courage, and success upon those who have it prominently placed in their charts.
—Bob Berman @
The key to this contentious transition period is holding the tension of the opposites. This means find the self-discipline to refrain from energy depleting projections (watch the effects on Kamala Harris) and restoring energy through inward reflection.
Trump’s ability to withstand this od hominem assault through three election cycles makes him the right fit as Commander-in-Chief during this crucial transition into the American Renaissance.
Indeed, through this trial by fire (Leo! ) culminating in the Pluto Mars opposition triggering his natal Venus/Saturn challenge in the US sign of Cancer, a new Trump persona has arisen through independent voices…
This personal transformation by way of deadly bullet fulfills the promise of his natal horoscope: Mars conjunct 29♌️ Ascendent on the “Royal Star” Regulus.
“Peace through Strength” is the manner that humanity can best withstand the shocks of November —and the entire Mars retrograde transit in the ♋️ sign of its fall (ending April 19, 2025) into the quantum shift of Saturn/Neptune in Mars-ruled Aries next spring.