I awoke in Mexico this morning to a chill as I arrived in the yoga spot before my sacred tree.
This sacred spot is where I greet the day with Sun Salutations to the light passing right through the center of a YOD.
But not today. The disseminated glow in the eastern sky was the preliminary to this morning’s annular solar eclipse peaking around 11:30 am CST.
This interruption in my morning routine is a microcosmic example of the tremendous microcosmic effects of eclipses.
As a Super Uranian Aquarian, I am acutely sensitive to the electromagnetic effects of eclipses.
I was drawn to the Venus city of Tulum when I arrived in Mexico on 29 May after writing my “Venus Electric: Phenomenology of the Venus Cycle as Evidence of EMF Ontology.”
The two Great American Eclipses cross at the Texan border.
Yet, tracing the path of this eclipse (below) to the isthmus connecting North and South America, we come to Darien’s Gap.
This is the 60 km wilderness between Columbia and Panama where refugees are taken by smugglers and then abandoned to find their way into Panama. Once arrived in Panama, they prepare for the ordeal of crossing the Mexican and US borders.
The Ring of Fire in Merida makes this American eclipse an Awakening.
Global refugees streaming across the Mexican and US borders are the karmic electromagnetic effect of the hegemonic hierarchical power of Empire under a paradigm shift.
Israel has informed Gaza residents to leave their open air prison to avoid annihilation.
The authoritarian command reveals the Shadow of the upcoming Lunar Eclipse on 28 Oct: there is nowhere for them to go.
Yet, the Darien Gap is the opening for hope for refugees across the globe. This makes the October 2023 eclipse path the 21st century Trail of Tears.
Today’s Ring of Fire over Merida is forming as I write these words…
… a signal that the ancient cyclical world view, that worshiped the electromagnetic power of eclipses, is returning for the Age of Aquarius.
The war between the Abrahamic religions in the Holy Land reveals the inherent imbalance in the patriarchal religions.
The world cannot find peace under the authoritarian domination of religions denying the feminine divine as partner to the masculine divinity.