Roaring into the next Great American Eclipse of 2024
During what are known as as the Dog Days of Summer, Sirius rises from behind the Sun to shine its light in the as the brightest star in the sky on the snout of Canis Major, the Dog Star.
This portal, known as the Lion’s Gate, takes place when the Sun is transiting the constellation of its rulership, Leo.
The 2022 Lion’s Gate is marked by a Super Full Moon unusually close to the Earth. The energy of quantum uncertainty is both exciting for the changes it is bringing to the planet and unsettling for the upheaval.
The 2022 Aquarius Full Moon is in close conjunction to Saturn, the planet of karma. Furthermore, the Full Moon is in a tight, tense T-Square with Uranus.
This catalyst of the Aquarius double rulership (Uranus & Saturn) entering their final tense square (exact by 18 degrees on October 1 ) is all the more consequential because Uranus, the planet ruling quantum change, is conjunct the karmic North Node in the Earth sign of Taurus.
This means the crucial three months until an explosive eclipse season in Oct/Nov demands serious re-valuation of our relationship to the planet and the healing cycles of nature.
The Super Aquarius Full Moon (20♒️) conjunct the Aquarius US Moon (28 ♒️) sets the tone for the remainder of the US Pluto Return, creating a grassroots upheaval of top-down authority ushering in the quantum (r)evolution of 2024 when Pluto enters Aquarius…
… thereby creating a mass resistance to the reign of the plutocrats (2010-2023) when the last gasp of the patriarchy turned into a fascist corporate-government alliance removing individual autonomy over the human body.
This Super Full Moon is the body awakening taking back this power over personal medical decisions from external authority.
The old issues dividing the US electorate return, but infused with new life due to Jupiter in Aries trine Venus newly entered into Leo setting the stage for renewal — the next Great American Eclipse.
After living in Canada during the pandemic and experiencing the effects of the loss of freedom of expression, it became clear to me that the US was the only hope for the fight for individual freedom against the tyranny of a techno elite intent on preventing the Aquarian promise of an authentic gender equality by continuing male left brain domination in order to impose a top-down hierarchy authoritarian one world government repressing the Aquarian potential of equality, collaboration and universal love.
This vision of a New World of individual freedom of the Masonic founders’ was structured into the “checks and balances” system in the three American branches of government: executive, legislative and judicial.
This extraordinary Lion’s Gate is forever marked in history by the first FBI raid on the home of an ex-president sets up quite an extraordinary “as above, so below” scenario of alchemical theater ushering in the Age of Aquarius.
The blind allegiance to technology enforced by an unprecedented corporate-government alliance by the professional classes, together with the disregard for the individual sanctity of the human body and healing cycles of nature, will have its consequences.
The dramatic rise of a groundswell of opposition championing individual autonomy, objective truth and natural cycles triggered by this Super Aquarius Full Moon has just been given a platform.
The Lion is Roaring!