A concocted story of surviving domestic violence placed on the world stage…
…turns into a real life mythology of a devastating fall.
"Oh God! why did she have to happen, just when I was doing so well without her?"
—Paul Kemp, The Rum Diary character memorializing Hunter Thompson played by Johnny Depp
On the glamorous glittering surface, Chenault is a kaleidoscope of projected desire initiated by her face arising from the sea in full makeup (upper left photo below). The Male Gaze finds its ultimate target after a hundred years of cinema in a chameleon of innocence struggling for knowledge of feminine strength through public sexual expression of freedom expressed in the red glider to “Volarie” in the opening credits.
Time reveals that this role didn’t require an actress as much as a model practiced at projecting an image of liberated desire. The sequence of images was the apparatus Amber Heard used to seduce Johnny Depp. No acting required. Her image vocabulary of emerging archetypes of the bisexual Venus, pulsating with desire, wild & free underneath the entrapment of society’s stereotypes, penetrating through the Male Gaze to the secret core of the feminine.
Heard’s dedication to projecting an image of the magnetic bi-polarity of the post-post-modern was, ironically, best cast with her other co-star, James Franco…
These kundalini pairings propelled the expertly appointed image of the magnetic bisexual Sky-Goddess into the highest altitude. Yet, in those heights, what was sought was the ultimate Self-generated platform where the projected image could Self-propel on the global stage.
The plane started to took off…It kept climbing the altitude and she didn’t know how to land it.
—Steven Crowley (actor who worked with Amber)
Even as the downfalls of serial sexual abusers Weinstein and Cosby were accompanied by a host of other male celebrities cancellation throughout the culture, the public urge to ground the Sky Goddess took place via a growing Internet movement against Amber Heard.
YouTube channel detectives seeking OBJECTIVE TRUTH catalyzed public opinion against her, winding down the post-postmodern era by way of dramatic…
I was speaking to power. He is a very powerful man and I know how many people would come out to support him and I was speaking to that power. That is why I wrote the op-ed. I was speaking to that phenomenon…how many people will come out in support of him and fall to his power. He is a powerful man and people love currying favor with powerful men.
—Amber Heard under cross-examination, May 2022
It wasn’t enough to obtain $14 M from the 18-month marriage. The impossible quest was to create a platform so she could bring her Objectivist Ayn Rand philosophy to life in the public eye. To insure the public gaze would remain on her newly single image, she only needed to create a public relations strategy with…
Yet, no trial in recent history has ever had such archetypal components (the Amber Alert striking all cell phones in the courtroom) made visible in their geometries via the mathematics of astrology…
What does such a tense cross signify in regards to a dramatic cultural shift? Pholus is uncorking the ancestral wine —- the secrets kept repressed for fear of emotional uncorking; conjunct he new discovery of Quaoar, the creation deity, reveals a new media narrative birthed out of the corked emotion…
The outcome points to this Mars/Jupiter warrior energy reviving the male power of aggression. #MenToo is a new hashtag striking a blow for the genderization of victims by the #MeToo Movement.
Ironically, the congregation of feminine power in Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon, also has a lasting effect on the verdict. This means abuse of feminine power via sexual violence and emotional manipulation/abuse applies to both men & women & everything in between.
The archetypal energies of the instinctual feminine — nurturing Moon conjoining with Mother — come together to support Lilith in bisexual Gemini vocalizing abuse in BOTH sexes. This will play out in the culture until the June 18 Last Pass of Mercury, bringing this pivotal cycle to close in time for the Summer Solstice.
This event is not at all what Amber Heard (with her natal Lilith conjunct Chiron in Gemini) consciously intended. Yet, her dramatic rise from nowhere to her spectacular fall on the global stage personalizes the full range of the experience of the opposites in the ancient Sky Goddess myth of ascent/descent.
Heard’s devastating defeat, on account of the very inauthenticity of her struggle to be heard, triggered the drastic loss of personal fortune. This personal saga invites a long-awaited deconstruction of the divisive gender politics prohibiting the full-fledged emergence of the kundalini serpent power.
In 2022, this awakening takes place throughout the gender spectrum — even as it highlights the post-postmodern era’s focus on the dynamic attraction of opposites essential for Self-containment.
Fortunately, we have art and its cultural trajectory to call forth a resurrection, like that of Pholus wine, seasoned with time and dialogue, and Quaoar’s joy of creation to birth anew for the current zeitgeist.