Kundalini Newsletter is dedicated to tracking the collective opening to the Aquarian icon …
…from the holistic perspective of the Ouroboros.
This electrified ⚡️ New Moon provides ample visual evidence that the tail devouring of the Neoliberal WOKE Left is nearly complete.
The confounding breakdown creates the opening to the Third.
The Third
The Third/HIEROS GAMOS is the center of the OUROBOROS symbol of eternal time …
The supercharged electromagnetic effect of this turbo charged Uranian New Moon in Scorpio confuses the media narrative intent on dividing the collective — from Vax/Anti-Vax to the current pro Palestine vs Pro-Israel division.
The Ultimate Polarity
The obsession with power within the top-down hierarchy of the plutocracy (Pluto in Capricorn (2011-2023) established the fascist Shadow threatening personal freedoms protected by the US Constitution.
This development reveals the conflict between the dynamism of opposites at war in the human psyche as the chief obstacle to the realization of our dreams of equality.
WHO & the Collective Awakening
The effects of the 2022 US PLUTO RETURN (27♑️ 34) are still to be worked out …
…under the 2024 Great American Eclipse next April conjunct Chiron (19 ♈️) …
…highlighting human evolution into health autonomy and freedom of INFORMED CONSENT…
James Roguski’s tireless activism for individual medical autonomy (Chiron in Aries) is indicative of individuals serving the collective awakening.
STILLNESS between the opposites takes place when the energy of ego is spent. The renewed focus on individual rights (Chiron in Aries) within the collective is signified by a unifying Aquarian force …
This renewed Aquarian focus on the U.S. Constitution marks the 27th anniversary of the January 23, 1997 HIEROS GAMOS configuration between Heaven & Earth.
This Scorpio New Moon is the tail end of the finality to the process of release setting the stage for the precipitous timing of the return of Pluto into Aquarius igniting the HIEROS GAMOS archetype.
Peace within and Peace without.