Venus is the undisputed superstar of the night skies in 2023. All the more the forty days & forty nights when absent in the ♌️ sign of the ❤️.
The Venus Retrograde station conjunct Regulus is the pivot for the departure into the 2020s Renaissance ushering in the 21st century vibrational leap into the Aquarian icon of the hieros gamos.
Finger of God & the Paradigm Leap
Moreover, the 28 ♌️ Venus station is at the focal point of a YOD.
The natural yod reveals the magical effects (synchronicities) of successfully integrating masculine (♈︎) and feminine (♍︎♏︎) energies into a system: the hieros gamos (E).
Paradigm Leap
This mystical YOD configuration is known as the Finger of God due to the creation of miraculous departures from previous conditions.
This separates FATE of karmic retribution (those who fail to hold the tension of the focal point) from DESTINY into an entirely new condition (those who hold the tension long enough for the NEW to be born in the system).
Due to the forty day retrograde, Venus triggering the yod is A SLOW MOVING, REPEATING CYCLE that won’t fully manifest until October 7, when Venus makes its last pass.
HOWEVER, THE SHOCK will be apparent by the September 4-5 VENUS helical rise as Morning Star at 12 ♌︎.
Last Pass
The October 7 LAST PASS occurs when Saturn retrograde (1.9°♓︎) is in close opposition to Venus (28.30°♌︎) conjunct the most powerful fixed star, Regulous in the heart of Leo. This reunion meets the tension of the longtime cultural schism at the boiling point.
The cardinal T-Square signature of this new eclipse cycle triggers the US Pluto Return coinciding with the USA Neptune Opposition on 2/22/2022 (66 ⚛️⚛️!). This synchronicity suggests the gaslighting effect of the governmental/corporate media alliance is busted.
The takedown of corporate media & corporate entertainment combined is the Aquarian quantum timing of the Venus LAST PASS. This gateway is just a week before the 14 OCTOBER AMERICAN SOLAR ECLIPSE passing over the middle of the USA.
Expect the global gaze on the collapsed American experiment with the promise of TOTAL REFORMATION behind us now leaping ahead as the Real…
….prelude to the Great American Eclipse of April 10, 2024 in which the courageous pioneers of the American Awakening comprise a new intelligences rooted in the Self — incorporating Heaven & Earth.
…realized in the human body incorporated — a Capricorn Sun/Son opposed Uranus intent on fulfilling his ancestral legacy…
RFK, Jr. speaking ”truth to power” in a call for unity crystallizes the human condition that no Hollywood film could ever achieve.
The struggle between the legacy forces upholding the hierarchical structures vs. the reformation of RFK, Jr., who rises to the presidential candidacy with 40 years experience suing “captured” governmental agencies on behalf of the people.
Crash of Corporate -Sanctioned Celebrity Culture
The shift from entertainment industry focus on outer projection…
…to inner focus on the hero’s journey (♈️ North Node in Chiron) of conscious awakening.
The transition out of the Age of Materialism (Earth) into the Age of Air (Aquarian Vibrations) will be complete as the 2026 Renaissance (above chart) triggers the 2020 Great Conjunction in Aquarius.
New Earth
What the radical shift of value into non-material vibrations means for humanity is the strengthening of the human aura reflecting the MAYAN OUROBOROS…
It all begins in a dramatic manner under this historic Venus turnaround in the ❤️ sign of Leo, consort to the Age of Aquarius Sky Goddess!