This spectacular Full Moon devoted to Truth ♐️ in Media ♊️ (Dec. 8 @ 04:09 UTC) triggers the crucial 14 ♐️ Gateway.
Accelerated vibrations washing over the Earth in electromagnetic waves is intensified in focus due to Mars in Gemini pulling the trigger…
Watch “Cold Moon” Eclipse Mars!
This transgender sign is ruled by the planet Mercury, Hermes to the Greeks, and was honored as the patron of alchemy.
Alchemy is the science of yoga (union). Through this practice marrying Heaven & Earth, Kundalini is raised in the body.
Controlled by mind, sexual energy is channeled into liberating creative expression.
Such embodied creations demonstrate an authentic equality of gender. Therefore, the leap into Aquarius is characterized by the awakening of feminine divinity in union with the divine masculine spirit.
The timeless symbol of eternal time is highlighting an unnatural cycle of corruption between academia, politics and finance.
It is no coincidence that the author of “Beyond Blame” is Barbara Fried, mother of Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced FTX CEO…
…and the largest donor to the Democratic Party!
SURPRISE! The sheer force of the retrograde Mars Gemini Mars eclipsing the Moon at 16 degrees ♊️ is KHAOS cutting through the Neptunian fog with the light of Truth ♐️‼️
♊️Gemini is full of surprises.♊️
For instance, Jordan Peterson, the ubiquitous ♊️ crashing old paradigms, confuses feminists by equating the female with chaos.
Chaos (KHAOS) was the first of the primordial Greek gods (protogenoi) to emerge at the dawn of creation.
KHAOS means gap, where a new archetypal pattern is configured, bringing forth the New Value.
This New Value rising with Venus in Sagittarius overrides the official narrative refuting even classical “cause & effect” physics.
The CHAOS GAP reveals the artificial cycles propping up the binary Neoliberal-Postmodern era as the global populace is clamoring for a Third Way.
And the feminine is here to present it!
Due to such dedicated researchers devoted to Virgo process, the gaslighting propaganda of “safe & effective” imposed in 2021 (Neptune squaring the nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius) has come under investigation by the US Congress, while US courts are facing over a 1000 lawsuits regarding vaccine mandates.
Cutting through the fog of official propaganda, the mythology of this crucial epoch of kundalini awakening was delivered on stage via the collapse of KIX drummer…
Taking place during the release of the new documentary Died Suddenly, the synchronicity marked this COLD MOON eclipsed by MARS as an electrifying COLD 🩸BLOOD jolt into the Age of Aquarius.
Nature has its way of relating the truth…