The Super New Moon ♑️ is also the New Sun (12/23). This arrives just two days after the 2022 Winter Solstice (12/21).
The tense square of the second Jupiter ingress into ♈️ is the Avatar Quest to rise anew out of the ashes.
This creates dynamic new Beginnings out of Endings. Yes, the EMD of the tyranny of linear time and top-down hierarchies imposed by the corporate media, fashion & entertainment alliance…
… to embrace the super-conscious leap into cyclical time as the Sun finishes its annual passage over the Galactic Center spiral…
This galactic leap into simultaneity of past/present/future supercharges the dynamic energy shift out of the binary into the quantum reality characterizing the Age of Aquarius.
The collapse of the very symbol of Neoliberalism was the postmodern fracturing of the UNIVERSAL TRUTH imbedded in the spiral to the binary of subjective “truths” projected by the Twin Towers.
… imposed by unseen forces of degeneracy intent on keeping humanity enslaved.
I was writing this idea into a new text in the car during an excursion over the Atlas Mountains in southwest Morocco when suddenly appeared an adorable boy with such pure Berber energy…
…clad in Balanciaga in one of the most remote regions of the world.
Type Baal Enci Aga into Google Translate on the latin side into english : it reads “Baal is king.” Baal is the god of child sacrifice worshipped by the satanic elite.
… alerted me to the methodology behind the PostModern Neoliberal alliance: degrade even the most remote and spiritually grounded people of the planet into mindless consumers of hyped labels.
I declared the death of post-modernism in my first newspaper art review, an Aldrich Museum exhibition Faith in February 2000.
But the final nail in the coffin of the sheer degeneracy of the late stages of post-modern would not happen for 23 years.
Spring Equinox 2023 ushers in the Aquarian Quantum Spirit‼️‼️‼️
What took so long? It was the removal of the postmodern gatekeepers and the launch of social media: Facebook in 2005 and Instagram in 2012…
…removing the gatekeepers and elevating influencers — propelled by the power of amassing followers — into mainstream media.
Yet, the news surfacing under the Full Moon in Gemini was the top-down control of New Media via censorship.
Yet, technology is allowing the truth to be spoken & heard about the elite strategy to sexualize children…
Here is a New Moon synchronicity …
THE END flashing on my screen from Russel Brand as was preparing this post for publication: