Healing the Body/Mind Division in Western Culture
Number ... should not be understood solely as a construction of consciousness, but also as an archetype and thus as a constituent of nature both without and within.
—Marie-Louise von Franz, Number and Time: Reflections Leading Towards a Unification of Psychology and Physics
Mercury retrograde is popularly known as the time of personal chaos and confusion: appointments are missed, computers breakdown, data is lost and vehicles malfunction. In other words, Mercury’s turnaround has a reputation for anxiety over potential loss rather than a time of potential gain.
A holistic quantum view of this crucial Mercury Retrograde crossing into 2022 is symbolized by the saga of the unfolding James Webb Telescope launched on Christmas Day. The hexagon design was the first signifier to the human form as the hieros gamos reflection…
…of the apparatus to a quantum leap in the expansion of consciousness. The images of the expansion outer space reflect the paradigm leap of the expansion of inner space.
If we can only learn to approach the triple stage (PRE-SHADOW/ RETROGRADE/POST-SHADOW) of the nine-week period as an opportunity to recalibrate our minds to function with body and soul in the cyclic time of quantum reality!
This will never be more true than for the 2022 Mercury transition cycles!
The three 2022 Mercury Retrogrades in AIR signs cycle back to EARTH signs (see left hand column in above chart). The crossover from 2022 to 2023 will be solely in the EARTH sign of CAPRICORN (12Dec). This means the 2023 EARTH (♉️♍️♑️) EMBODIMENT cycle of retrogrades is initiated under TODAY’S QUANTUM LEAP — Mercury retrograde in Aquarius conjunct Saturn, ruler of Capricorn!
HOLY KUMARI 💋 is therefore the recurring theme of this tremendous 2022 turnaround. The Mercury (R)evolution from AIR to EARTH synchronizes with the shift of the Venus Retrograde archetype from Gemini to Capricorn. The structuring sign of THE 2020 GREAT PAUSE crystalizes the new human VALUE proclaimed by Nietzsche with his quantum UBERMENSCH invention sourced in his epiphany, THE ETERNAL RETURN.
The recurring theme of EMBODIMENT in the HOLY KUMARI 💋 just six weeks prior to the 2/22/2022 (6+6) US PLUTO RETURN (27º33♑️) stresses the crucial body/mind connection as crucial to personal survival. Capricorn rules the government and the corporations controlling American life. Navigating the breakdown of patriarchal archetypes & hierarchical structures requires Self-empowerment through personal boundaries as the antidote to free-floating anxiety surrounding censorship.
My great Capricorn hero is Marie-Louise Von Franz (1915-1998) whose books of great wisdom were essential to my quantum journey of embodiment following my 1983 kundalini awakening. Born on Jan 6, her life was dedicated to the sacred marriage of body, mind & soul — in direct contrast to the ongoing never-ending divisive JAN 6 saga.
Capricorn is SELF-empowerment through SELF-containment, SELF-sufficiency & SELF-sustainability (SELF is the Jungian term for the hieros gamos archetype). The possession of SELF revealed by Marie-Louise Von Franz in her body, life & work culminating in Zahl und Zeit (Number and Time) is essential to the paradigm leap into the Aquarian icon of the Hieros Gamos sought by seekers throughout the ages.
The year 2022 is marked as the time for the GATEWAY TO THE HIEROS GAMOS by way of number:
2+2+2 = 6
Signified by the James Webb Telescope design, the universal SIX year is restoring the absolute as hermeneutics of new modernism by way of Ernst Anrich’s Moderne Physik und Tiefenpsychologie reapprochement between the separate disciplines of mathematics and physics.
Anrich suggests describing quantum numbers as “hierarchical” numbers. He rightly notes that they do not simply constitute one of the continuously flowing cipher numbers; they contain a crucial element pointing to more than a purely quantitative factor. The stress lies in their specific ability to take on form and thus quality (135): “This number must be unequivocally distinguished from the infinitesimal number of the linear, ever-renewed and continuing or dividing numbers and measuring, as also from number as cipher, and from number which might give rise to the idea that it had originated in pure logical abstraction….Rather, it means that every single thing is characterized and ruled by a specific numerical effective ordering factor.” (140-41, 142)….Such harmonies cannot be constructed, they can only be encountered; number is determining, not “predetermination.” (ibid)….Every hierarchical number is an “individual statement,” the expression of an “objective correlation of forces in nature.” (144)
—Marie-Louise von Franz, Number and Time
…the hieros gamos in which QUANTUM VALUE is determined by the human capacity for calibrating inner🧬outer space … consciousness being made aware of itself as Mobius strip to an interconnected universe!