The 2021 Mercury Retrograde Cycles in Air signs is a boon to writers. Particularly if you know how to use the nine week cycle as apparatus. A technique that I have used as apparatus in quantum writing for decades.
This post is about how you can master the technique of utilizing Mercury Retrograde as writing apparatus for a quantum writing experience.
Using the technique presented here, you will have an inspired piece of original writing that will confound and astound you by the end of the nine week cycle, when Mercury returns to its position before it was retrograde.
The first of the 2021 Mercury Rétrogrades in AIR, Aquarius offered the ultimate quantum experience. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury. This is the kundalini entering through the crown of the head. When the crown is opened, you feel a tingling sensation around your head; this is known as the opening of the Thousand Petal Lotus. Focusing attention on the Space between your eyebrows, the Third Eye, activates the pineal gland which gives wisdom through insights into signs and symbols.
Part of the quantum process is going back over the past (Mercury Retrograde in the Star sign of Aquarius in January) …
…to get to the future (Mercury Retrograde in the Venus sign of Libra in September)
…through the present (Mercury Retrograde in the Twin Flame sign of Gemini).
The 2021 Mercury Retrograde cycle in Gemini, the sign of communication and Twin Flames, started on May 14 when Mercury entered the pre-shadow at 16 Gemini. It ends with a flourish with Venus and Mars moving into conjunction (19 degrees Leo) in the Lover’s sign on July 13.
This cycle is extra potent because it takes place under the total Lunar Eclipse and Annular Solar Eclipse.
Phase One: Pre-Shadow
May 14-29
This preliminary phase sets up the conditions for the retrograde. At this posting, we are six days into the cycle, so no time to waste!
This is when you can start a new writing project with an open attitude. The aim is to get it out in a stream of consciousness knowing you will have the opportunity to look it over from a 360 holistic perspective in the next phase. The pre-shadow phase anticipates what will arise under the retrograde by setting the conditions.
This means focusing on a particular writing project will take you into an unanticipated adventure. The idea is to get lost. Entering the unknown means your intuitive creative right brain has taken over from the rational left brain.
Creating by the stream of consciousness technique without regards to structure inevitably creates unanticipated narrative links. Suddenly you will find yourself co-creating with Mercury, conducting alchemy simply by putting a pen to paper, fingers to the keyboard and seeing what happens!
I certainly didn’t expect to be writing this post informing my readers of my writing techniques! I look forward to where it will lead.
And so shall you!
Phase Two: Retrograde
May 29-June 22
The Kundalini works in flashes of insight. This is the goal in creating when Mercury acts as a trickster disrupting order under the Mercury Retrograde. The trick is to work with the Trickster, allowing unexpected detours to give way to deeper understanding. The unconscious mind surfaces as lightening glimpses, Aha Moments capturing the quantum as past/present/future in a singular movement of time.
Mercury retrograde isn’t for starting new projects but for going back over old projects. The retrograde provides a new perspective on creation. This process is characterized by Sagittarius the sign of Mercury’s fall because it is opposed to the planet’s rulership in the sign of Gemini.
So this is the three week phase of going over the draft that you vomited out under the pre Shadow during first three weeks of the cycle.
During this time you use the material erupted under the Pre-Shadow to identify the narrative and a theme.
What to look for: repeating images, emotional triggers, hidden metaphors, symbols, narrative links, etc.
Phase Three: Post-Shadow
June 22-July 7
Once you have the two main keys to writing identified, the theme and the narrative arc, you are ready for the third phase.
The final three weeks is when you can start to structure the piece. This means identifying the beginning, middle and end. This could easily be the reverse of what took place.
The end just might be your beginning! Just keep in mind, that the unconscious knows how best to structure, so try and keep your ego out of the process.
If this is a book, the material you create can be set aside until the next Mercury Retrograde in September, where you can undergo the same process. During that cycle, the emphasis will be on balance, the equilibrium of right/left brain, and the Möbius strip of inner/outer that characterizes the Twin Flame Experience.
This will be the ending of the 18 month cycle of North Node in Gemini and South Node in Sagittarius, beginning May 5, 2020 until January 19, 2022. The last cycles were 18 months ago, from October 13, 2001 to April 14, 2003 and before that from March 17, 1983 to September 12, 1984. A huge part of the Self-discovery in your writing process is going back to the previous cycles and seeing how events taking place then, mirror your life now.
For example, I embarked on the twin flame adventure resulting in the writing my first novel, Champagne Tango, which I self-published and am currently trying to publish commercially this year.
Now you see how crucial this Mercury Retrograde is for incorporating the past and present eclipse cycle into the corpus, the body of your writing and corps, your human body. Working with the Mercury Rétrogrades is the leap into the quantum — manifesting future goals through proactivity with intentions in the present.
Collaborating with Mercury in Trickster mode, you will be surprised to discover buried desires and intentions surfacing into your awareness — via one literary trick or another! One ritual is writing down intentions, fold the paper, and read out loud before burning and planting on the total lunar eclipse! if your intention is to understand where your twin flame connection is headed, make it a double ritual with your twin …writing down intentions now to read aloud to each other in the lunar eclipse.
This opening of communication channels creates the conditions for the June 10 Annular Gemini Solar Eclipse, which establishes a new mode of holistic (Third Eye) communication for the December total solar eclipse in Sagittarius.
It is time to stop and assess how we agree reaping the benefits of the technological revolution! From my first novel when desktop publishing didn’t yet exist, to today, where publishing happens instantaneously, we have made a quantum leap in communication since the collapse of the twin towers on 9/11 just prior to the North Node in Gemini, was the latter day Tower of Babel symbol of the collapse of binary thinking reverberating around the globe.
The final éclipse of this 18 year cycle is the total solar eclipse on December 4 in Sagittarius, the sign of publishing. The goal of the journey is the 360 perspective gained through wisdom propelling your unique voice to be heard.
And by following this technique, you will have a record of the process as it unfolds.