Hermes was the only Greek god who could go from the Hades to Olympus, making this androgynous shape-shifting figure the connection between darkness (the unconscious) and light (consciousness).
This capacity to merge the polarities is what makes Mercurius the patron of the art of alchemy.
The lead that quicksilver Mercury assists in transforming into gold is Saturn, the Shadow, integrated into the holistic Self. Through the Trickster, we come to not only recognize, but embrace, our shadow self.
Over the next three weeks, we are in for a wild ride as Mercury is retrograde in its own sign of Gemini. Gemini is the sign of the Twins, the opposites merging through the divine light of love. This also makes Gemini the sign of the Lovers.
Once we can let go of our preconceptions and engage with what Mercury retrograde has in store for us, we are primed for the Aha Moment.
This fearlessness in the face of the Uncertainty is the key to enlightenment…
Instead of seeing the glass half empty, we suddenly discover it is half full …of unimagined possibilities!
Over the next six weeks (May 29-June 7), we are going to experience the quality of Mercury in his prime perception, winged sandals working overtime traveling high and low, steering through the gaslighting, overcoming relativism and identity politics…
… to communicate the truth under the Annular Solar Eclipse (June 10) in Gemini following the revelations of the Total Lunar Eclipse Super Moon (May 26).
Our mental perceptions will make a dramatic change, from the binary to the holistic, from postmodernism relativism to the absolute truth of the newly emerged 21st century icon of the Hieros Gamos, the centralizing archetype for the Age of Aquarius.