THE QUANTUM EFFECT of the Mercury Station Conjunct Pluto
As predicted, the premiere 2022 Mercury Retrograde, storming the borders between Aquarius & Capricorn, has ignited the…
… along with a universal QUANTUM SHIFT in VALUE…
The Commonwealth Nation north of the US border is the unexpected locality of a burgeoning global movement. The historic border-smashing FREEDOM CONVOY asphalt blockade is where THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD.
During the explosive THE GREAT CAZIMI AWAKENING initiation into the 2022 retrograde cycle, the TRUTH is crystalizing through the fog of media gaslighting and MSM censorship dominating the past two years of the plandemic.
Former acting teacher Justin Trudeau in his starring performance as Prime Minister who lacks a single JUSTI-fication to maintain the two-tier society of the digital passport with the imminent ending of the pandemic …
…but all the ACTOR can manage to do is project his own Capricorn Shadow as a quantum performance crystalizing the past/present/future effect of the QUANTUM WAVE COLLAPSE on the globalist strategies.
…from his “’GET VACCINATED” refrain of pre-Freedom Convoy appearances to… “IT HAS TO STOP”‼️‼️
I was alarmed to discover ANOTHER favorite shop on St. Catherine closed…creating more boarded up storefronts and permanently closed, or otherwise empty restaurants (below), in what was once the liveliest neighborhood in the once-welcoming international city of Montreal.
…so why can’t the Prime Minister bring an end to the divisive Vaccine Passport & Vaccine Mandates standing in the way of the emerging partnership paradigm?
The more accurate question to ask is — when are the globalists going to provide their leading actor with a new script?
This is high drama centered on a star afflicted figure struck down, like Pholus, by THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT — THE FORCE OF TRUTH propelling the primordial quantum effect of THE GREAT KUNDALINI AWAKENING!
This is the second KUNDALINI NEWSLETTER posting on the PARADIGM SHIFT IN REAL TIME via MERCURY RETROGRADE 2022. The Third and final post will be on the February 27 MERCURY LAST PASS.
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