The crucial challenge of the Cancer Moon, or Wolf Moon, in the pivotal year of 2023 is about home.
I recognized my new home when I crossed the eight-pointed Star at the entrance…
…and discovered a feather!
Cancer is the sign of the Mother, the place of home, breast, nesting and refuge. Having a secure inner home, the soul, is the essential link for the embodiment of the spirit of the Sacred Marriage of Heaven & Earth.
The horror of not feeling secure in the home, strikes at the core of the United States of America. The nation was born under the sign of Cancer when the Moon was in the sign of Aquarius.
The placement of the Moon in the 12th House (opposing Sun the Sixth House squaring Chiron) reveals there is a lot of therapy to be done to heal the nation’s wounds and establish a new value (the elevated Uranus/North Node in Taurus, the Venus sign of value) of soul connecting Heaven & earth.
America’s fascination with serial killers was ignited by the Full Moon arrest and court appearance of the Idaho college murders suspect Bryan Kohberger.
The mystery of how a single killer could have left four dead and two alive in a three-story home has been supplanted by the enigma regarding motivation.
A glance at the suspect’s natal horoscope reveals a universal truth: darkness is attached to the light, yet overwhelmed by the higher vibration, is compelled to extinguish it.
Comparing the bone chilling natal horoscope of this Ph.D. student in criminology (who applied for a position with the local police department) with the horoscope of the Idaho murders delivers a shock regarding motivation: the act was executed with (Kohberger’s Scorpio Sun ruler) Pluto conjunct the IC (home) opposite the Moon on the MC (notoriety).
This configuration links Kohberger’s natal Moon to the elevated Moon of the murders. This lunar connection translates as a masked intruder into the “party house” (Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces in 5th house of fun) seeking infamy from an inexplicable crime (Sun/Mercury/Venus opposed Uranus/North Node) challenging technology (squaring Saturn in Aquarius) for capture.
The mystery is only partly solved by the affidavit released with the suspect’s court appearance.
There is also the enigma of the quantum factor — the suspect’s Lunar Return in Cancer synchronous with his house arrest in the family home repeating the astrological pattern under which this crime captivated a Cancer nation.
The timing of this posting under the Moon opposition Pluto (January 7 @ 2 pm EST) brings a deep insight regarding the 2022 US Pluto Return.
The prolonged delay in the US House of Representatives appointing a Speaker revealed the 2022 Ouroboros at work in politics, as it did in culture.
Pluto returning to the US natal position (the third conjunction was December 27, following the direct hits on February 27 and July 11) is devouring the deep fissure of corruption at the root of divisive binary politics.
Pluto is excavating the shadow of a nation in which a mythology of manifest destiny covered up official genocide.
At this time, the Ouroboros devouring of the rotten American system need be viewed from a deep dive by two courageous women into a plutonic power grab…
The good news is that the U.S. Constitution as the basic architecture of human law is due for review under universal law. The ratification of this document was among the sweeping changes of the social order of last Pluto turn in Aquarius (1778–1798).
This revolutionary epoch also delivered the Industrial Revolution, the Enlightenment, the publication of Mary Wollstoncraft’s The Vindication of the Rights of Women and, of course…the French Revolution!