A real multi-pronged assessment, Lisa! Re "The quantum collapse of the plutocracy is the death of post-postmodernism as the cultural reflection of Neo-Liberalism reducing all human engagement to the categorization determined by commercial transactions."--you might find Rectenwald's struggles with militant PC/cancel culture at NYU, its role as successor to postmodernism, its roots in Maoist thought and its own socially toxic use of categorization interesting:
How wonderful to hear from you again, Rolf! Your illuminating comment picking up on our long ago discussions of postmodernism … it had to change form in order to prolong it…you have inspired an idea for a new post! I hadn’t considered “postmodern parentage” as producing the snowflake. This makes sense! Synchronous with an insight the other day that hit me like lightening: snowflakes are hexagon shaped, driven by the crystal structure of ice. So, the millennial generation is attempting for that Hieros Gamos state of balance, the struggle of the post-postmodern dynamic but it is so superficial, via the head. No understanding of embodiment and heart centering … I have always viewed postmodern as a non functioning heart chakra — guilt…thus the disappearing snowflakes! Whoever originated that term is a genius! Your comment came through just as I started writing an essay about my path out of the postmodern in my literature …what I summed up in my early 2000s reviews as “the world weary cynical self-consciousness…” So, postmodern parentage…I will read the text and incorporate the insights into the astrological determinations of generational shifts. I subscribe to James Lindsay’s New Discourses and appreciate his historical origins of the Woke in Maoism. My ideas about Neoliberalism originated with research on the Allende revolution and the Milton Friedman laboratory for Neoliberalism after the CIA coup. On a recent residency in southern Chile, I met a genius artist from that era who revealed the Allende cultural revolution had to do with number as sacred, the experience I subconsciously got from my father’s immersion into Arica, a Chilean philosophy arising at that time based on the geomancy of number. So, I was actually experiencing the ideal of the Allende Revolution through my father being immersed in Arica in the early 1970s! This archeology is in the link I provide with my other Mercury Retrograde post, extended in the English catalog text with Ramuntcho Matta’s Tarocchi. I will put a button on this post. https://hierosgamosjournal.wordpress.com/2021/09/27/mercury-retrograde-hieros-gamos/
It's a quick and engrossing read, part academic memoir. The nominal right in the US seems more concerned about this matter than the liberals and those on the left. Rectenwald is interesting because he started out as a devout communist then changed his views through his academic persecution at NYU in the lit department (which he finds much of this thinking, like postmodernism before it, has blossomed). As you probably heard, his friend, Marc Crispin Miller (who taught a popular course on propaganda) lost his job simply for suggesting to his students the importance at looking at all sides of the coronavirus and vaccine issues, because one student reported him to the admin. (she wasn't even in class at the time). I am becoming convinced this trend, combined with militant scientism and the creepy technofasc. designs of the WEC are the more systemic threat to open society, hiding behind the continued media Trumpapalooza. Your recent Chile trip sounds different from the past, especially re Arica.
Systematic use! Pluto in Capricorn! The corporate control of America is now in every aspect of culture, permeating so far into the psyche that there is no longer a conscious aware ent if th3 threat. Have you read David Horowitz’s “Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey”? That really crystallized for me the current struggle in American culture. How the corporate establishment has completely absorbed the counterculture through this surface Woke covering for the constant reinforcement of the binary: Vaxxed vs. unvaxxed. The corporate agenda of pushing transhumanism in academia fits right in with Big Pharma’s control over the public body. The right is more aware of the freedom at stake, hugely ironic because the left consider the right to be ignoramuses. But Jung warned that intellectuals would be the last to get the new archetype, because it is too all encompassing to grasp with the mind. So, this leaves out the Left from having the holistic understanding to observe the problem in which they are participant.
Jon Rappoport is on fire with genius right now…here he writes about how the health conscious have been absorbed by the establishment:
“Once upon a time, long ago, natural health advocates went to the wall for Health Freedom, the right of every human to decide how to take care of his own body. Big government and big medicine were the enemies.
In 1994, I ran for a seat in the US Congress on a platform of Health Freedom, and I met some of these people. They were true (not fake, not compromised) libertarians. Their vision of freedom was crystal clear. And inspiring.
However, the present generation of natural health people (certainly not all, but many of them) are working an entirely different program.
Its bottom line is:
Funny I was just thinking about Rappaport recently; hadn't seen much of his reportage of late. I'm convinced we have a hard-line new atheist/borderline transhumanist as co-chair of the CT Greens now. His eliminationist-tinged posts (posting an op-ed that recommends "anti-vaxxers" should be "wiped out") regarding vaccine mandate opposition remind me of why I quit the CT Skeptical society years ago. I've since learned that one of the founders, Steve Novella, a Yale neurologist and prominent new atheist, moonlights as a consultant to a firm that provides scientific advice to major corps, including Bayer/Monsanto, RJ Reynolds, Pepsi and C. Cola. It explains why he gave me trouble when I applied Occam's Razor in a cartoon for CSS' newsletter regarding the folly of food irradiation and GMO products. All they wanted to do was ridicule, rather than genuinely promote scientific literacy.
Thanks for the tip on Horowitz. How ironic now that people like Greenwald, Naiomi Wolff and other investigative reporters/commentators can only get an audience on right-wing media in the US, anymore.
The absolutist obsession with absolute safety and hygene calls to mind Ward Moore's dystopia of the world run by a medical dictatorship, Caduceus Wild, which has many frightening parallels with the current scenario. Psychologically and politically, though, I find Brecht's Life of Galileo and Miller's version of Enemy o/t People really crystallize what is unfolding.
Brilliant! With Pluto ending its 13 year reign in Capricorn, there will be a retreat from Critical Theory and a return to literature, a recognition of the universality of great texts offering both refuge and illumination. Another tremendous Great American Eclipse in 2024…I will write about that next. Let’s keep our discussion going. Sad news about your CT affiliation sell outs. Internalized GMO is the root of the American problem. The lack of diligence to the inner body, mind and soul, to simply being STILL, results in projection. My theory is that in exiling Jung from the western tradition, Academia has no terminology for his invention of the archetypes, chiefly the Shadow. The obsession with externals is the Shadow…ultimately the fear if death.
obsessions with external is the Shadow, or a retreat from it? Where does the popular preference for a "guaranteed win" in real life affairs relating to labor negotiations, elections, etc., compared with the contrasting allure of heroic struggle to win in popular drama fit into this?
A real multi-pronged assessment, Lisa! Re "The quantum collapse of the plutocracy is the death of post-postmodernism as the cultural reflection of Neo-Liberalism reducing all human engagement to the categorization determined by commercial transactions."--you might find Rectenwald's struggles with militant PC/cancel culture at NYU, its role as successor to postmodernism, its roots in Maoist thought and its own socially toxic use of categorization interesting:
How wonderful to hear from you again, Rolf! Your illuminating comment picking up on our long ago discussions of postmodernism … it had to change form in order to prolong it…you have inspired an idea for a new post! I hadn’t considered “postmodern parentage” as producing the snowflake. This makes sense! Synchronous with an insight the other day that hit me like lightening: snowflakes are hexagon shaped, driven by the crystal structure of ice. So, the millennial generation is attempting for that Hieros Gamos state of balance, the struggle of the post-postmodern dynamic but it is so superficial, via the head. No understanding of embodiment and heart centering … I have always viewed postmodern as a non functioning heart chakra — guilt…thus the disappearing snowflakes! Whoever originated that term is a genius! Your comment came through just as I started writing an essay about my path out of the postmodern in my literature …what I summed up in my early 2000s reviews as “the world weary cynical self-consciousness…” So, postmodern parentage…I will read the text and incorporate the insights into the astrological determinations of generational shifts. I subscribe to James Lindsay’s New Discourses and appreciate his historical origins of the Woke in Maoism. My ideas about Neoliberalism originated with research on the Allende revolution and the Milton Friedman laboratory for Neoliberalism after the CIA coup. On a recent residency in southern Chile, I met a genius artist from that era who revealed the Allende cultural revolution had to do with number as sacred, the experience I subconsciously got from my father’s immersion into Arica, a Chilean philosophy arising at that time based on the geomancy of number. So, I was actually experiencing the ideal of the Allende Revolution through my father being immersed in Arica in the early 1970s! This archeology is in the link I provide with my other Mercury Retrograde post, extended in the English catalog text with Ramuntcho Matta’s Tarocchi. I will put a button on this post. https://hierosgamosjournal.wordpress.com/2021/09/27/mercury-retrograde-hieros-gamos/
It's a quick and engrossing read, part academic memoir. The nominal right in the US seems more concerned about this matter than the liberals and those on the left. Rectenwald is interesting because he started out as a devout communist then changed his views through his academic persecution at NYU in the lit department (which he finds much of this thinking, like postmodernism before it, has blossomed). As you probably heard, his friend, Marc Crispin Miller (who taught a popular course on propaganda) lost his job simply for suggesting to his students the importance at looking at all sides of the coronavirus and vaccine issues, because one student reported him to the admin. (she wasn't even in class at the time). I am becoming convinced this trend, combined with militant scientism and the creepy technofasc. designs of the WEC are the more systemic threat to open society, hiding behind the continued media Trumpapalooza. Your recent Chile trip sounds different from the past, especially re Arica.
Systematic use! Pluto in Capricorn! The corporate control of America is now in every aspect of culture, permeating so far into the psyche that there is no longer a conscious aware ent if th3 threat. Have you read David Horowitz’s “Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey”? That really crystallized for me the current struggle in American culture. How the corporate establishment has completely absorbed the counterculture through this surface Woke covering for the constant reinforcement of the binary: Vaxxed vs. unvaxxed. The corporate agenda of pushing transhumanism in academia fits right in with Big Pharma’s control over the public body. The right is more aware of the freedom at stake, hugely ironic because the left consider the right to be ignoramuses. But Jung warned that intellectuals would be the last to get the new archetype, because it is too all encompassing to grasp with the mind. So, this leaves out the Left from having the holistic understanding to observe the problem in which they are participant.
Jon Rappoport is on fire with genius right now…here he writes about how the health conscious have been absorbed by the establishment:
“Once upon a time, long ago, natural health advocates went to the wall for Health Freedom, the right of every human to decide how to take care of his own body. Big government and big medicine were the enemies.
In 1994, I ran for a seat in the US Congress on a platform of Health Freedom, and I met some of these people. They were true (not fake, not compromised) libertarians. Their vision of freedom was crystal clear. And inspiring.
However, the present generation of natural health people (certainly not all, but many of them) are working an entirely different program.
Its bottom line is:
We will find more analogies to Nazi Germany arising from the subconscious as Mercury Retrograde progresses through this cycle,
Funny I was just thinking about Rappaport recently; hadn't seen much of his reportage of late. I'm convinced we have a hard-line new atheist/borderline transhumanist as co-chair of the CT Greens now. His eliminationist-tinged posts (posting an op-ed that recommends "anti-vaxxers" should be "wiped out") regarding vaccine mandate opposition remind me of why I quit the CT Skeptical society years ago. I've since learned that one of the founders, Steve Novella, a Yale neurologist and prominent new atheist, moonlights as a consultant to a firm that provides scientific advice to major corps, including Bayer/Monsanto, RJ Reynolds, Pepsi and C. Cola. It explains why he gave me trouble when I applied Occam's Razor in a cartoon for CSS' newsletter regarding the folly of food irradiation and GMO products. All they wanted to do was ridicule, rather than genuinely promote scientific literacy.
Thanks for the tip on Horowitz. How ironic now that people like Greenwald, Naiomi Wolff and other investigative reporters/commentators can only get an audience on right-wing media in the US, anymore.
The absolutist obsession with absolute safety and hygene calls to mind Ward Moore's dystopia of the world run by a medical dictatorship, Caduceus Wild, which has many frightening parallels with the current scenario. Psychologically and politically, though, I find Brecht's Life of Galileo and Miller's version of Enemy o/t People really crystallize what is unfolding.
Brilliant! With Pluto ending its 13 year reign in Capricorn, there will be a retreat from Critical Theory and a return to literature, a recognition of the universality of great texts offering both refuge and illumination. Another tremendous Great American Eclipse in 2024…I will write about that next. Let’s keep our discussion going. Sad news about your CT affiliation sell outs. Internalized GMO is the root of the American problem. The lack of diligence to the inner body, mind and soul, to simply being STILL, results in projection. My theory is that in exiling Jung from the western tradition, Academia has no terminology for his invention of the archetypes, chiefly the Shadow. The obsession with externals is the Shadow…ultimately the fear if death.
obsessions with external is the Shadow, or a retreat from it? Where does the popular preference for a "guaranteed win" in real life affairs relating to labor negotiations, elections, etc., compared with the contrasting allure of heroic struggle to win in popular drama fit into this?